Systema Naturae

Mauro Lanza/ Andrea Valle

The cycle Systema Naturae includes four pieces. Its main feature is the use of acoustic instruments together with computer controlled physical objects placed in a specific spatial organization.
Two references are at the base of the whole cycle. The first is the medieval, phantasmagoric tradition of bestiaria, herbaria and lapidaria intended as multi-faceted catalogues of miscellaneous beings (animals, stones, plants). A second reference is taxonomy, the systematic description of living organisms that dates back to Linnaeus’ Systema Naturae (hence the name of the cycle) as the rationalistic ordering of nature. As a consequence, each piece is organized following the model of the catalogue, as a collection of short pieces receiving an invented latin name.

Regnum animale (2013)
For string trio and electromechanical objects

Regnum vegetabile (2014)
For sextet and electromechanical objects

Regnum lapideum (2016)
For ensemble and electromechanical objects

Fossilia (2016/17)
For ten musicians and electromechanical objects